Find the value of the dc comic superman batman volume 1. The regular issue cost 75 cents, this being the early90s. Superman was created by jerry siegel and joe shuster. Well hindsight is 2020 and with that in mind, lets chart the ten most important comic books of the 1990s. Siegel and shuster introduce the world to superman. Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your anwer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e. Automated matching of wantlist and inventory items. Determining the value of a comic book is not always easy, as the factors that influence it are subjective and liable to change.
Money back guarantee ensures you receive the item you ordered or get your money back. The series follows myrwann, the last existing member of the beings called the old ones that existed before creation and. Almost any early superman comic book has value if its in reasonable condition. A common comicbook cover format displays the issue number, date, price and publisher along with an illustration and cover copy that may include a storys title. Long time comic book fan and successful filmmaker, kevin smith, blazed a trail for writers from outside the medium. The comic book price guide for great britain superman.
First self titled series for a comic book superhero ever. Published just a few months after crisis on infinite earths, john byrnes the man of steel updated the saga of superman for modern audiences, changing certain aspects of the character in the process. Usually the 1st superheroes of the big comic book publishers go for big bucks. Please login or register to view all issue comments and values in 9. What was the annual increase in the value of this comic book. Superman dc silver age comics 19561969 for sale ebay.
Comic books are popular collectibles that hold the potential to become valuable over time. View market values for books, store your collection, and meet fellow comic fans. Get the best deals on superman dc silver age comics. Most of the early issues didnt have superman on the cover, so this comic isnt worth as much as others. Published in february 1940and confusingly labeled 2, it was the first comic book to feature captain marvel. Sold by big robs books and ships from amazon fulfillment. Sell, buy and trade with comic collectors from around the world. Gaines told siegel and shuster what additional content aside from the action reprints to create for this issue in a letter dated 19390327. Search comic price guide browse by publisher new comics newest cover scans story arcs genres creators characters beta grading guide recent value changes report missing issues. For obvious reasons, the 1st printings of the early superman comics are very valuable, but are hard to find at garage sales, swap meets, or even collector shops because they are often in the hands. Kathie lee, tom hanks, sean connery, burt reynolds snl duration. Find great deals on ebay for death of superman comic and death of superman comic cgc.
Swooping in almost at the last second to win the holy grail issue, the top bidder will now own the most expensive comic book. Other superman rare comic books are listed lower down this page. The strip proved so popular that national launched superman into his own selftitled comic book, the first for any. Both the initial run of superman vol 1 and superman vol 2 had 12 annuals. The better the condition, the more the book can be worth to collectors who want the ones in the best shape. So figure how my step brother had issues 117 then 21 thru 34 of superman in mint condition in a box along with batman 1 22 all in mint condition and he ran from the government for tax reasons, got very ill and passed away, and they are. A comic book or comicbook, also called comic magazine or simply comic, is a publication that. Please only report missing issues after attempting a thorough search, and do not submit false information. This page lists prices for the first 100 issues of supermans appearances in his solo series, which began in 1939. The comic book price guide for great britain superman album. Nostomania coin and comic book price guide, values. Which is the most expensive superman comic of all time. Maurice mitchell is a sciencefiction and comic book critic, blogger, and journalist. Around 1996 is when the comic industry lost a lot of its business and i think roughly 80% of comic book stores ended up going out of business because they couldnt make any money.
This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Top superman comic books comic book values comic book. The original superman comic book series is the most popular series. This page lists prices for the first 100 issues of superman s appearances in his solo series, which began in 1939. Six values are listed here for each issue number based on the following grading criteria. What is the value of a 1993 superman comic funeral for a. Grouping optional this option allows you to sortfiltergroup your want list by any grouping you define priority, character, etc notification email. With jimmy getting into the thick of the action armed only with his camera, a pair of luthors goons steal a gravity amplifier from s. Record price paid for first superman comic book voice of. The last son of krypton squares off against the man of steel for the right to be superman. The number 1 free online comic book community featuring a comic book price guide database, friends, lists, blogs, and more. Free comic book value and price resources comic book secrets jan 19, 2008 it walks you through finding comic book values and prices and helps you decide the best method for your situation. Cover pencils by rick burchett, inks by terry austin. The key is the book has to still be considered unrestored.
If ordering more than one of our comics or magazines, contact us before submitting payment for a reduced shipping price. In 2006, a restructuring of the entire dc comics line saw superman vol 2 discontinued. So figure how my step brother had issues 1 17 then 21 thru 34 of superman in mint condition in a box along with batman 1 22 all in mint condition and he ran from the government for tax reasons, got very ill and passed away, and they are. All the superman titles now use a new, upgraded color process that employs an increased color palette. Jun 29, 2006 we were all going to be rich because the generic hot book of the week was going to be the next big thing. Eye to eye, script by scott mccloud, pencils by rick burchett, inks by terry austin. This is not a reprint or anything other than the holy grail of comic investing. Superman, national comics publishing canada, superman, simcoe canada, superman, whitman usa close please fill out the following form to. Most comic fans know that superman actually began life in action comics. Seller is stating its an original, but the guy lives about 10min from me and said he will not let me pick it up. The value of an individual comic book is dependent on its grade. Now i start to get suspicious that either he doesnt have it or its a reprint. You can find out values of action issues by clicking here.
What you see on the site now is less than 10% of what i have available. However, superman s first issue in this historical relaunch just may be his last as he comes facetoface with metallo, the man with the kryptonite heart. Superman comics, superman toys, superman memorabilia for sale. Hottest comics key issues comics by letter cgc cert lookup investment speculation new comics this week sell my comics.
We expect to be back to same or next day shipping soon. Action comics is the comic book series that started it all. Superman, superhero, copper age 19841991, comics, collectibles. Joe rubinstein finishes inks joe rubinstein as josef rubinstein colors glenn whitmore letters john costanza. But even more important, is the other half of the books creative team. Regarded as the holy grail of comic books by collectors, action comics no 1 is. In this issue lois lane drives off a pier in order to get superman s attention so she can interview him for the daily planet. Please fill out the following form to report an issue missing from the database. View market values for books, store your collection, and. The number 1 free online comic book community featuring a comic book price guide database, friends, lists, blogs, and more comicbookrealm. How to determine the value of a comic book december 25, 2014. Subzero comics buys and sells comics, action figures, statues and busts and all related collectibles. Selecting yes will notify you when another member lists this item for sale. He and his twin brother operate two blogs dedicated to science fiction and fantasy films, the geek twins and film sketchr.
I did a search already and got pages and pages of irrelevant hits. What makes a comic book, like batman o superman increase. In the fall of 1989, the series returned to tv with a new cast, new stories and a dc comics superboy comic book series to support it. Aug 08, 2007 the early 90s were when comics were being overproduced and there really arent very many issues that cant be found in a dollar bin at any comic book store. Use these values as a guideline for evaluating the reasonableness of dealer prices, setting up trades with other collectors, and estimating the worth of your collection. Its the first comic to have superman, but its an anthology comic. Action comics 1 this is the book that started it all.
The audit bureau of circulation files reveal that there were three printings of this issue in 1939 500,000 copies, 250,000 copies, and 150,000 copies. Comic book value guide how to value your comics in 3 easy steps. Johnny stops by to help corey look over a superman vs. Some superman series are just one issue oneshots and others are longer series, such as adventures of superman. The price of the death of superman comic book will vary depending on. The top superman comic books for collectorsinvestors. There are only five known copies in reasonable condition, until july 2010, when a family facing foreclosure on their home found a copy in very good condition.
The premier online comics price guide free comic book values. Byrnes art and storytelling are serviceable, but nothing compared to his greatest work. Mar 05, 2014 that said, there are people who might cry foul at this issues large price point, shifting art teams and unfocused, almost jazzlike narrative and they would be right. The largest online source for comic book pricing in the world. Comic books superman, action comics superman, superman the man of steel, the adventures of superman and much more. Buy superman comic books at newkadia and they all have a 100% moneyback guaranted. Top 60 most valuable comic books from the modern age. But superman tracks the goons down, as jimmy gets the shot. Here are some of the rare issues that may have been gathering dustand value in your attic for years. Darren adams, the owner of pristine comics in federal.
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